(3) Lined wide rule notebook paper
(2) Clorox Wipes
(1) 2 inches 3 ring binders
(2) 1 inch 3 ring binders
(5) 3 prong poly/plastic folders
(4) Spiral notebook (70 sheets) wide rule
(1) Gallon Ziploc Bags
(1) Sharpened Pencils (recommend Ticonderoga)
(1) Erasers
(1) Dry erase markers (assorted colors)
(1) Highlighters (assorted colors)
(1) Colored Pencils
(1) Markers
(1) Scissors (grade/age appropriate)
(1) Pencil/Pouch Case
(1) Ruler, wood or plastic
*If you are able to donate extra of any of these supplies, we would appreciate it so much! Thank you for your support!